Flat battery
So, I've flattened the battery :(
I got home this evening to find the satnav still plugged in and the BBUS clicking in distress.
The battery is currently on charge: the meter registered 9V when I started. The alarm sounder is still clicking; in fact the rate of clicking increased when I disconnected the car battery to get it to the charger.
When the battery goes back in, will I wake all the neighbours within a mile radius and deafen myself as the alarm fires back into life? Or is its battery dead too?
I got home this evening to find the satnav still plugged in and the BBUS clicking in distress.
The battery is currently on charge: the meter registered 9V when I started. The alarm sounder is still clicking; in fact the rate of clicking increased when I disconnected the car battery to get it to the charger.
When the battery goes back in, will I wake all the neighbours within a mile radius and deafen myself as the alarm fires back into life? Or is its battery dead too?
from the last news http://ift.tt/1Fg4vcE
Libellés : IFTTT, the last news
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