Grey smoke after split leak-off pipe
Yesterday I had an injector leak off pipe fail on me, but by the time I realised what had happened I'd already driven a bit of a distance and I had pretty much no choice but to carry on anyway.
Eventually replaced the pipe however there seems to be a bit of grey smoke now rather than black, whilst driving with the split pipe it was blowing a bit of grey but I thought that would have stopped once the pipe was replaced.
Should this eventually clear itself up, and if so, what causes it? Is it just diesel vapour or is there a problem?
There's quite a bit of diesel still evaporating from the engine bay as well.
Eventually replaced the pipe however there seems to be a bit of grey smoke now rather than black, whilst driving with the split pipe it was blowing a bit of grey but I thought that would have stopped once the pipe was replaced.
Should this eventually clear itself up, and if so, what causes it? Is it just diesel vapour or is there a problem?
There's quite a bit of diesel still evaporating from the engine bay as well.
from the last news
Libellés : IFTTT, the last news
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