MG ZT Pollen Filter renewal today with a bonus.... make that two.
Bought a couple of Pollen filters to fit to the ZTs a few days ago. Glad I did. Here's why.
Got stuck in with my daily driver ZT and removed the access panels above the ECU. This revealed a small pool of rainwater unseen at the bottom of the nearside Plenum. Fiddly job to remove the old filter. Took about a minute of careful positioning before it came out. Did not need to remove the wipers. Compare old filter to the new one alongside in first image. Soaking wet lower third of the filthy old filter. Anyway, sprayed the whole area with a 5% fairy liquid solution in a mist sprayer I bought from a garden centre. That after pushing my longest screwdriver down both plenum drains to clear the accumulated filth. Soon had the water running away. Used an old long handled nylon washing up brush to brush away the remaining filth in the various nooks and crannies. You could germinate seedling plants in that dead leaf compost. Probably never been done since the car left the production lines at Longbridge back in March 2003. Poured lots of cold water as a final flush and it soon ran away. Finished with a kettle of boiling water with added cold making it very warm. That also drained quickly but, being quite hot, warmed the area and the heat helps rapid drying. Worked well.
Pleased with the final result. Took a couple of minutes of careful positioning to fit the new Pollen Filter.
Finally washed the various panel covers in warm soapy water allowing them to drain and dry before replacing them above the Plenum. I removed three of the fasteners to enable the plastic plenum surround at the top to be lifted to allow better access. These were faded to white so a quick couple of coats with Satin Black improved their appearance. At the same time showing how their black surroundings had also faded..
Then a bonus. My Forge Blow Off Valve stopped making the woosh-tish noise a few days ago... Boo-Hoo ...:(... :) Maybe a split diaphragm or better still, a loose vacuum tube to the BOV. It was the latter. Had to remove several boost and coolant hoses to access and check the BOV. Now I can woosh-tish all over the shop .... :D
Delighted with this project car which is shaping up very nicely. Far better than I could have wished for.
The attached pictures show some of the work ...
Got stuck in with my daily driver ZT and removed the access panels above the ECU. This revealed a small pool of rainwater unseen at the bottom of the nearside Plenum. Fiddly job to remove the old filter. Took about a minute of careful positioning before it came out. Did not need to remove the wipers. Compare old filter to the new one alongside in first image. Soaking wet lower third of the filthy old filter. Anyway, sprayed the whole area with a 5% fairy liquid solution in a mist sprayer I bought from a garden centre. That after pushing my longest screwdriver down both plenum drains to clear the accumulated filth. Soon had the water running away. Used an old long handled nylon washing up brush to brush away the remaining filth in the various nooks and crannies. You could germinate seedling plants in that dead leaf compost. Probably never been done since the car left the production lines at Longbridge back in March 2003. Poured lots of cold water as a final flush and it soon ran away. Finished with a kettle of boiling water with added cold making it very warm. That also drained quickly but, being quite hot, warmed the area and the heat helps rapid drying. Worked well.
Pleased with the final result. Took a couple of minutes of careful positioning to fit the new Pollen Filter.
Finally washed the various panel covers in warm soapy water allowing them to drain and dry before replacing them above the Plenum. I removed three of the fasteners to enable the plastic plenum surround at the top to be lifted to allow better access. These were faded to white so a quick couple of coats with Satin Black improved their appearance. At the same time showing how their black surroundings had also faded..
Then a bonus. My Forge Blow Off Valve stopped making the woosh-tish noise a few days ago... Boo-Hoo ...:(... :) Maybe a split diaphragm or better still, a loose vacuum tube to the BOV. It was the latter. Had to remove several boost and coolant hoses to access and check the BOV. Now I can woosh-tish all over the shop .... :D
Delighted with this project car which is shaping up very nicely. Far better than I could have wished for.
The attached pictures show some of the work ...
from the last news
Libellés : IFTTT, the last news
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